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Before Dawn @ MyQueenstown #1 - First Day in School =)

By my queenstown on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 with 0 comments

Rise and shine! Today is the first school day and it is inevitable for those school going children to feel lethargic and anxious after enjoying two months of holiday playing games and going on trips overseas. Some of them who progress to a different stage of education may feel uncertain because they are new to the school and do not have any friends. Some may be excited to share their holiday experiences with familiar faces at familiar spots in the school. Others, well, may be eager to go to school to complete any unfinished homework which they have procrastinated throughout the holidays. Whichever the reasons, MyQueenstown Team had visited New Town Primary School this morning to find out more about our little ones on their first day in school!

The School will be Bustling and... Sad Place Today =)

Wei Xiang is a chubby, cute boy who studies primary 5 this year. In his first day in school, Wei Xiang's father accompanied him to school. Although he slept well the night before, he feels nervous about meeting new friends. 

Wei Xiang is nervous about his new term at school

Don't worry, Wei Xiang! It is normal to be nervous!

On the other hand, Mohamed Nursuhari, a primary 2 student, is positive about his upcoming semester in school. He is happy to go to school because he can meet his friends and learn new things. He is not anxious about school and slept snugly the previous night. His parents also fetch him to school every morning.

Our cute Mohamed Nursuhari is happy to go to school =)

When the school term starts, parents will begin panicking about their children's  school work and performance in school too. Some of them would volunteer as traffic warden in school. They make the school safe for all the kids.

A volunteer traffic warden

It's a brand new year and a brand new start to the school term. Good Luck, kids! =)

Kids waiting along the linkway

Category: Before Dawn , News in the Dump , recent



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