For residents who have sipped a mug of Avocado drink from this colorful and brightly decorated stall, hands up if you feel guilty but you think you have tasted one of the nicest fruit juices around! A gulp from the "enlarged" straw makes you "high" as the thick and savoury milky mixture arouses your taste buds and invites you to take another sip of the drink. Yeah, Mr. Avocado has come to Commonwealth Avenue Cooked Food Centre for a short tour!
Thick and creamy Avocado drink
Eating a slice of the avocado fruit can be bothersome to weight conscious residents. Besides having a foul, rotten egg flavour, a look at the nutritional value chart of the fruit can be depressing, particularly when the fat content is relatively higher than other fruits. What makes drinking the avocado juice a complete "sin" is probably the addition of both carnation and fresh milk. But who cares? There are some food and drink that an individual cannot miss and must try once in their lifetime! And this creamy fruit juice will delight everyone, particularly those with a sweet tooth.
The Bright and Colourful Stall
Imitation is the best for of compliment. The success of the 20-year old Mr. Avocado has led a large number of fruit juice stalls attempting to replicate their formula but it is pretty easy to discover which stall is the original one! Avocado juice from these "fake" stalls is milder, less fresh and tastes completely different from the original stall.
Xiao Ping, a stall assistant at the popular drink stall
When asked about the "formula" of the successful drink, Xiao Ping, the hawker assistant at Mr. Avocado, mentioned that fresh fruits are used for the drinks at the stall. The avocado is imported from Australia through a supplier. Other popular drinks in the stall are strawberry soursop and durian milkshares. (P.S. The durian milkshake tastes as nice as the avocado drink!)
Mr Avocado Exotic Juice
Address: Blk 40A Commonwealth Avenue #01-510 Commonwealth Avenue Cooked Food Centre (Until December 2010)
Opening Hours: 10am-7.30pm
Snacks Attack Ratings: 8.5/10
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