Draw the curtains and open the windows. The view of Mei Chin neighbourhood, like its name suggests, is a beautiful one. We listen to the birds chirp and look at the pedestrian strolling along the foot paths. Like every district in Queenstown, there is always something to expect when you look out of the window. The world is like an oyster. And her beauty is standing right in front of us.
Mei Chin/Ling Estate
Located in Neighbourhood VI of Queenstown, the district was not found in the original master plan drawn by the British after World War II. Housing Development Board originally suggested that three roads, namely Mei Ling Street, Mei Chin Road and Stirling Road (towards Tiong Ghee Temple), including this one, be named using the word "Stirling" in combination with Avenue, Drive and Circle.
Mei Chin Road was originally named Stirling Avenue
However, the Streetnaming Advisory Committee felt that this move may be too confusing to the residents and other who are visiting the estate. Instead, it was decided to name the three roads, Mei Ling Street, Mei Chin Road and Stirling Road. Mei Chin 美景, refers to "beautiful view" in Mandarin whereas Mei Ling 美陵 refers to "beautiful ridge" since it is built on top of a small hall.
Mei Ling Street's Point Block Flats and Stirling Road (to your right)
Like what the name suggests, this district in Queenstown offers some breathtaking views, unlike other estates which are simply concrete jungle. It's a beautiful sight, at Mei Chin Road.
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