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MyQueenstown Celebrates: Mid-Autumn Festival!!

By my queenstown on Wednesday, September 22, 2010 with 0 comments

Let MyQueenstown Team tell you a story tonight.

Many, many years ago, there was a strong and macho immortal named Hou Yi and a beautiful attendent called Chang'e. They were banished to Earth because they did something wrong.

Mr Wong & Family in the blissful moon

When Hou Yi was young, he learnt how to hunt and became an archer. Then, there were ten suns rotating around the Earth, causing the Earth to burn frequently. Earth was inhabitable. Houyi used his archery skills and shot down 9 of the 10 suns and he was rewarded by the Emperor with a pill that gave him eternal life. He took the pill and hid it under a rafter in his home. During his husband's absence, Chang'e discovered the pill and swallowed it immediately. She flew to the moon. As she was distressed with the face that she had to separate with her husband. As a result, Hou Yi could only visit her once a year at every Mid-Autumn Festival.

It's Crowded in Strathmore today!

Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the few important festivals in the Chinese calendar which coincide with the Autumn equinoxes. To celebrate this meaninful festival which symbolises bliss and renuion, Queenstown residents came out in dozens and hundreds and enjoyed a wonderful evening along Alexandra Canal Linear Park.

The Band Who Play Numerous Sing-a-long Songs

Songs and dances greeted the enthusiastic audiences. There was a play about Anti-Gambling performed by the Community College and sing-a-long sessions where residents sang popular local tunes in unison.

Snippets of the Songs and Dance!

Cast of the Problem-Gambling Prevention Team

Young children and kids were the happiest today. Lanterns of different sizes and shapes lit up the night sky of Queenstown and the chit-chatters and laughters drown the band music out. Parents, on the other hand, were gleeful that their children enjoyed themselves.

The Chen Brothers and their Granny

Darren and Wen Qiang and their lit lanterns

Is my lantern cute?

Justin, Junrong, Jayden, Hong Mei and Mei Xuan

Games and food kiosks greeted the residents too! There was a McDonald's kiosk offering snacks and drinks, much to the delight of the kids.

"How can I miss this occasion?"

Games Booth

Another Games Booth!

Dazzling sparklers fizzled into the night sky. Excited children laughed and competed among themselves on who got the brightest and loudest sparklers! 

Jayden and his sparklers!

Mid Autumn Festival is also a special occasion to mingle with residents of different race and beliefs. Although Mid-Autumn Festival is a Taoist event, it did not stop church members from the nearby Queenstown Baptist Church and Indian and Malay residents from joining in the fun!

Mrs Cheryl Fernandes and her family!

We are from China!

The moon is particular round and bright tonight. The evening downpour did not stop the residents from gathering together and soaking in the fun. Today is the day where family members would have a mini renuion, eat some mooncake or play with the colorful lanterns. Today is the day where racial and religious differences were put aside as we all celebrate a Mid-Autumn Festival together.

Were you in the Celebration? Tell us at our facebook page now!

Category: News in the Dump , Tonight



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