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Uncle Agony #12 I want to be a Volunteer!

By my queenstown on Friday, August 27, 2010 with 0 comments

"Uncle Agony" is a segment where residents can email us their concerns and troubles. We will answer all your queries and hope that the issue, can be resolved in a peaceful and amicable manner. Of course, the information we provide are mere suggestions from our team and do not represent any official institutions or anyone. In this way, we hope Queenstown residents can "breathe a little easier...

Hi MyQueenstown, I've read several articles in the blog and found those elderly folks and low-income families in Queenstown in pitiful. I would like to volunteer my services to the community. Do you have any suggestions where I can go? -Esther Lim, 24.

MyQueenstown's reply: Volunteering can improve the quality of life of another person, and it is one of the reasons why My Queenstown is established to foster community volunteering among Queenstown. There are many avenues for volunteering and the list is never exhaustive. The list below indicates some of the ways you can volunteer in Queenstown:

My Queenstown is seeking volunteers and residents of Queenstown to speak to fellow residents to understand their needs better. Through this interview, we can get to know one another better and help liaise needy residents with the relevant self-help groups. Interested parties can email myqueenstown@gmail.com.

Volunteers above 17 years old and can commit for at least 6 months are needed mentoring, reading and various youth programmes.

Volunteers who are committed and passionate are welcomed. Training will be provided for interested individuals.

Volunteers who are committed and passionate are welcomed. Training will be provided for interested individuals.

The Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore is the largest non-governmental organisations catering to the education, welfare needs of the Intellectually Disabled. Volunteers meet up regularly.

Hope that helps!

Disclaimer: Suggestions given by MyQueenstown Team may be used to resolve the issues. 

Do Email MyQueenstown Team at myqueenstown@gmail.com if you need solutions to your problems. If you have a pressing matter, do SMS 91769891.

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Category: Uncle Agony



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