Farewell MyQueenstown

Farewell MyQueenstown #7 - Farewell KTM Tracks

On 30 Jun 2011 | 6 Comments

Much has been written about KTM Tracks lately. A simple search on Google and Yahoo will bring you to numerous websites such as this and this. After all, this cantankerous relic was Singapore's brave new world in the early 20th century.  I have always been a believer of my secondary school's motto, "Rooted in Tradition, Equipped for the Future."

永别了!女皇镇!#7 一摊油条传三代

On 30 Apr 2011 | 1 Comments

一摊油条传三代 在玛格列熟食中心,“生活公市”说得上是个客至如云的摊子。这个小摊子,不售卖任何煮炒;摊子主人则一年三百六十五天,天天在摊内起个炉炸上一条条的油条。 “生活公市”摊主李马才先生(58岁)是这家油条摊的第三代。 祖父自中国南来便炸油条为业,后来其父亦继承了祖父的业务。“生活公市”自1969年起,正式迁入玛格列熟食中心营业。李先生从小便跟随父亲学手艺,在油锅边打转。 李先生的油条,以香脆爽口闻名。在80年代初,李先生每一日几乎可炸近200条油条。李家一家五人总要齐齐上阵来应付顾客的需要。 如今,虽然李先生的摊子已搬迁到亚历山大村熟食中心,但他对玛格列熟食中心仍然十分怀念。再见了,玛格列熟食中心!

Farewell MyQueenstown #6 - The Taste of Wanton Noodle Lingers...

On 24 Mar 2011 | 18 Comments

Mr. Phoon Hon Sun, 64, and his family started selling barbeque pork from a pushcart at the terminal for Hock Lee bus service no.9 some 53 years ago. The bus terminal was located next to Blocks 6B and 7 along Margaret Close, a cluster of flats which were demolished during the 1990s. A familiar sight no more Every afternoon, residents who lived in the seven

Home Sweet Home @ MyQueenstown

Home Sweet Home #15 - A New Day Has Come =)

On 24 Apr 2011 | 11 Comments

Last week, MyQueenstown team interviewed Mdm Chan about her life in Blk 15 Holland Drive. Under SERS, she was assigned a new apartment in the newly developed blocks just a stone throw sway. Today, we visit Hisham Suni, 38, who moved over from Blk 17 to his new apartment in Blk 18C Holland Drive. Hisham Suni and his son =) Hisham is delighted by his new ap

Home Sweet Home #14 - Farewell Holland Drive

On 17 Apr 2011 | 3 Comments

Blk 15, Holland Drive looked vacant and cold when MyQueenstown team visited this morning. The shop houses under the apartment block were all covered with card boards and all that was left were traces of glass panels, which could possibly be a beauty parlor in its place before. The lift was still working. Mdm Chan - a long time resident at Holland Drive A c

Home Sweet Home #13 - Commonwealth 10! Here I Come!

On 10 Apr 2011 | 3 Comments

The front door was wide open when MyQueenstown team visited Mr Lee, 78, at his apartment in Blk 74 Commonwealth Drive. Feeling curious, we knocked onto the door and was greeted by a sleepy looking Mr Lee. Mr Lee who lives alone at Block 74 Retired more than a decade ago, Mr Lee is living alone as he prefers being independent to tagging along with his chi


Response to Straits Times Forum: "Active Citizenry Needs Space to Find Its Feet"

On 26 Aug 2011 | 25 Comments

A week ago, Mr. Eric Tan, Director of the National Archives of Singapore, explained that the archives have generously acceded to our requests for photographs to be published in our website, upcoming book and newsletter. This was not the full story. Last year, we wrote in to the National Archives of Singapore, requesting them to sponsor photographs of the ol

MyQueenstown Celebrates: Consecration Ceremony at Sri Muneeswaran Temple!

On 10 Jul 2011 | 1 Comments

Tanglin Halt residents are wokened up by the vociferous wailing of nadaswaram and thavil ensemble at Sri Muneeswaran Temple this morning. More than 15,000 residents and devotees have gathered at the Southeast Asia's largest Hindu temple worshiping the Muneeswaran god to witness the consecration ceremony. A consecration ceremony is a festive occasion done on

女皇镇1周新闻快讯 - 第二十五期

On 08 Jul 2011 | 6 Comments

女皇弄组屋 同一垃圾糟 两年3纵火  女皇弄组屋走廊垃圾糟,三度起火,居民人心惶惶,警列恶作剧纵火处理。 位于女皇镇一带的女皇弄第21座组屋8楼的电梯口,今早7时15分左右发生大火。 一名住在事发地点附近的居民,惊见滚滚黑烟从该处冒出 最高74万5000元 最低40多万 女皇镇 四房转售价 相差近37万  在热门组屋区女皇镇里,有四房式组屋最近以74万5000元的最高价转售,但也有37万8000元。 组屋溢价回升之际,热门地点如女皇镇的组屋转售价也持续攀升。今年4月,一间位于女皇镇史达拉摩道(Strathmore Ave)的四房式高楼单位,以74万5000元售出。 最后一次乘搭火车北上  火车开动了!该各就各位了吧。经过女皇镇、武吉知马、武吉班让时看到铁路旁站着许

My Father and I

Former Tanglin Halt Industrial Estate

On 14 May 2011 | 2 Comments

The industrialisation programme took off in Queenstown when the Tanglin Halt Industrial Estate was established to generate employment in the neighbourhood. Initially, the Singapore Improvement Trust (SIT) planned a small industrial estate at Tanglin Halt to provide employment for the new residents. Measuring some 20 acres of land consisting of 38 factories

Queenstown Baptist Church

On 03 May 2011 | 1 Comments

The Singapore Improvement Trust (SIT) set aside seven sites for religious use and advertised for religious organisations to ballot in the 1950s. Of the ten enquiries received, four withdrew, leaving six Christian organisations. These went on to build the first churches of Queenstown; Queenstown Baptist Church, Queenstown Lutheran Church, Faith Methodist Ch

Archipelago Brewery Company (Anchorpoint)

On 22 Apr 2011 | 3 Comments

Established in 1931 by German businessmen, Archipelago Brewery Company was the first commercial brewery in Singapore. It was located next to the Malayan Railway, which provided convenient transportation for exporting the beer in Tanjong Pagar. Archipelago Brewery Company One of the more popular beer produced at Archipelago Brewery Company was Anchor Beer.

Makan Shiok!

Snacks Attack #13 - Ah Luck Bean Curd

On 23 Dec 2010 | 2 Comments

Mr Chua, 25, runs Ah Luck Beancurd in Tanglin Halt market for more than 2 years. He is renting the stall from the original owner who has based his stall in the same area for more than 40 years. Ah Luck Bean Curd offers drinks and deserts such as soya bean drink, grass jelly and the residents' favorite soya bean curd (60 cents). A Delicious Bowl of Bean Curd

Snacks Attack #12 - Satay Mad in Tanglin Halt!

On 16 Dec 2010 | 7 Comments

 Ann, 46 runs the family food stall for over 10 years in Tanglin Halt hawker centre. Serving halal food for over a decade in the same place, Ann has integrated her dishes to suit the taste buds of Queenstown residents, especially the Malay community. The simple food stall offers snacks such as satay, otah and seafood dishes. As a family styled bus

Snacks Attack #11 - Almond & Peanut Paste!

On 09 Dec 2010 | 0 Comments

DessertStory, located in Anchorpoint basement one, has been serving residents tasty snacks and deserts for the past four years. Wendy, the supervisor of the cafe, introduced the various homemade desserts that they offer. A bowl of Almond Paste Hot desserts are mainly the favourite choice among Queenstown residents. Firstly, they have almond paste which is m

Random Thoughts @ MyQueenstown

Random Thoughts @ MyQueenstown #9 - 7 Funerals in 2 weeks

On 22 May 2011 | 0 Comments

7 funerals in 2 weeks. There is a flurry of "activity" these two weeks for correspondents from My Queenstown. We did not leave our traces in photographs as a mark of respect for the deceased. We did leave our sincere prayers and heartfelt condolences for those present. Quietly and fleetingly, we made our way to some of the funerals and understood that all o

Random Thoughts @ MyQueenstown #8 - Block 39A No More (The Removal of Block 39A Part I)

On 05 Apr 2011 | 8 Comments

On a Friday afternoon three weeks ago, several Bangladeshi workers, presumably from the Town Council, took their tool boxes to the lift lobby of Block 39A. In less than half an hour, they carried a metallic frame on their shoulders and placed it on a lorry parked in front of the apartment block. Farewell Block 39A The letterboxes The stretch of corrid

Random Thoughts @ MyQueenstown #7 - A New Coat of Paint

On 22 Mar 2011 | 1 Comments

The Point Blocks, along with 5 other blocks at Mei Ling Street were given a new coat of paint over the past week. The familiar combination of blue, yellow and orange was a thing of the past as these foreign workers toiled day and night, rain or shine to make Mei Ling Street "attractive again." White seems to be the "in" thing in Queenstown lately. Ten-store

Other Recent Articles

Snacks Attack #13 - Ah Luck Bean Curd

Posted in Makan Shiok , recent , Snacks Attack | Thursday, December 23, 2010|By my queenstown
Mr Chua, 25, runs Ah Luck Beancurd in Tanglin Halt market for more than 2 years. He is renting the stall from the original owner who has based his stall in the same area for more than 40 years. Ah Luck Bean Curd offers drinks and deserts such as soya bean drink, grass jelly and the residents' favorite soya bean curd (60 cents).
A Delicious Bowl of Bean Curd
The top most and bottom most layers of fresh beancurd would be removed to ensure a consistent texture. Only the middle portion of bean curd would eventually be served to the customers. Mr Chua boils the sugar mixture daily and pandan leaves are added during the process to infuse additional flavour. The piping hot bean curd tastes smooth to the tongue and the sweetness of the syrup is extremely well controlled to bring about a pleasant wholesome beany taste.

Year 2010 in Review

Posted in News in the Dump , recent | |By my queenstown
Year 2010 is coming to an end. Let's take a look at the top community news stories that got Queenstown residents commenting and gossiping!
MyQueenstown Team first broke the news of poor businesses and negative community sentiments in Mei Chin market in March. In one of our exclusive interviews with the shop owners in the market area, we noticed that the number of customers patronising the market and surrounding shop houses was pathetic. Subsequent street surveys revealed that Mei Ling and Stirling residents were not keen to visit the market because of a number of reasons. The publishing of the article had attracted the attention of the grassroots and authorities, who conducted monthly "concerts" to attract crowds. However, response remained lukewarm.

Christmas Carols and Winter Songs =)

Posted in Entertainment , recent | Wednesday, December 22, 2010|By my queenstown
Christmas is in the air! The magical lighting turns Orchard Road into a fairy land during Christmas and everyone is in bright spirits. Familiar tunes floated across the 9 churches in Queenstown and MyQueenstown Team got to hear song of them during our visits to the churches in the past few weeks for interviews. Today, we will select the 4 most popular and memorable Christmas pop songs among Queenstown residents!
Christmas Lights at Queensway Shopping Centre

女皇镇1周新闻快讯 - 第六期

Posted in Chinese , News in the Dump , recent | Monday, December 20, 2010|By my queenstown
为了鼓励更多女皇镇的青少年阅读华文新闻,《我爱女皇镇》将推出全新单元 《女皇镇1周新闻快讯》,把这个星期观于女皇镇的主要新闻简略的描述。
狮城刮'裸风' 每2天1人'露点'示众 
裸露歪风,在公共场合裸体示众的个案层出不穷。公众猛批的同时,不禁感叹世风日下,道德沦丧。 最新一起裸露事件发生在上星期天,一个20来岁男子一丝不挂,半夜到女皇镇麦当劳买咖啡,引起骚动。 上星期四,一个全身刺青的中年汉,光着身体在宏茂桥组屋人行道上,“裸坐”数小时后被捕。
市镇会管理报告最好的是丹戎巴葛、宏茂桥—杨厝港及三巴旺市镇会,反对党管理的后港及波东巴西市镇会则依旧包尾。 虽然丹戎巴葛市镇会再度成为表现最好的市镇会之一,女皇镇居民陈女士(50岁)并不十分在意成绩。 她说:“这份报告可以让居民知道市镇会的整体表现,但是市镇会管理这么多组屋,只有居民最清楚个别组屋的情况如何。
夫妇去看房子 暴雨树倒压车 
昨午(12/12/2010)一场暴雨,联邦道停车场一棵大树倒下,断裂的树枝压坏三辆车,警方到场支援。 昨午4时30分和5时之间,联邦道一带下了倾盆大雨,风势非常强劲,联邦道第92座组屋对面的露天停车场,一棵大树的树枝断裂,压坏了两辆小型罗。

The Name Game #12: Holland the Architect

Posted in Name Game , Places , recent | Saturday, December 18, 2010|By my queenstown
The distinctive windmill at the heart of Holland Village reminds us of the multi-sailed windmills which converts the energy of wind into rotational motion by means of adjustable vanes. These windmills are prevalent in the country Holland (the Netherlands) and it is inevitable that many residents in Queenstown has mistakenly felt that the Holland area is being named after the country. 
The iconic windmill at Holland Village
Holland Village and its environs were originally plantation estates in the heavily wooded area of Chip Bee Estate, and farms at Lorong Mambong. When Orchard Road and Tanglin areas grew as prime residential localities in the 1900s onwards, development extended to the Holland Road and beyond. The area was an original expatriate centre which also attracted the 'upper income' families, and the village catered to their many special retail and recreation needs. Holland Village's early growth is attributed to the European civilian population residing in its vicinity, in particular during the British military presence. The area was originally known in the 1950s and 1960s for its very exclusive private home developments, and was at one time regarded as a place for the rich.

LOST & FOUND - Did You See This Dog?

Posted in News in the Dump , recent | |By my queenstown
Dear All,
We have lost our beloved dog and seek your kind help in the hopes of finding him back.
He has a large cyst in his stomach area and is under regular medication, thus we are desperate to locate him as soon as possible to avoid adverse effects to his health.
He is a big part of our family, and we do miss him so dearly. If anyone has seen him or know his whereabouts, please do contact us immediately… Thank you so much in advance.

Snacks Attack #12 - Satay Mad in Tanglin Halt!

Posted in Makan Shiok , recent , Snacks Attack | Thursday, December 16, 2010|By my queenstown
 Ann, 46 runs the family food stall for over 10 years in Tanglin Halt hawker centre. Serving halal food for over a decade in the same place, Ann has integrated her dishes to suit the taste buds of Queenstown residents, especially the Malay community. The simple food stall offers snacks such as satay, otah and seafood dishes. As a family styled business, she gets her supply of fresh satay from her uncle every day. Even the helpers in her stall are her relatives, working together in a closely knitted family unit.

Does Death Solve All Problems?

Posted in News in the Dump , recent | Wednesday, December 15, 2010|By my queenstown
A little more than two weeks ago, there was a man who jumped onto the train tracks at Queenstown MRT Station. This followed a string of undisclosed suicide attempts by Queenstown residents for the past few months. In May, a Chinese man in his 30s or 40s committed suicide at Block 151 Mei Ling Street. Earlier this month, an elderly man living in Mei Ling Street attempted to slid his wrist but he was fortunate enough after he was discovered by a social worker. Does Death Solve All Problems?


Posted in Chinese , Entertainment , recent | Tuesday, December 14, 2010|By my queenstown
住在东陵福的郑先生与郑太太时常会在住家附近的公园或租屋底层聊天。有时候,他们会携带一个收音机,一边听音乐,一边畅所欲言。因此,他们对九十年代的歌曲十分熟悉,特别是中国香港女歌手王菲。王菲曾荣获兩岸三地重大颁奖典礼女歌手最高荣誉,凭着主打歌「我願意」和 「红豆」唱到街知巷闻,十年來一直是很多她的歌迷心中最经典典的两首歌曲。
自从发行专辑《愛上一個不回家的人》后, 林忆莲便成为香港女歌手成功进军台湾市场的最早个案。主打歌《至少还有你》雄踞KTV点播排行榜长达8个月,被誉为流行国歌。
《至少还有你》 MV
来自新加坡的唱将也不能忽视。1994年11月在台湾发行首张国语专辑的陈洁仪正式进军台湾歌坛。第一主打歌《心痛》令她得到台湾民生报金曲龙虎榜冬季排行冠军。独特嗓音和具有气质的外表被人熟知, 在九十年代被称为《新加坡国宝》。

女皇镇1周新闻快讯 - 第五期

Posted in Chinese , News in the Dump , recent | Monday, December 13, 2010|By my queenstown
为了鼓励更多女皇镇的青少年阅读华文新闻,《我爱女皇镇》将推出全新单元 《女皇镇1周新闻快讯》,把这个星期观于女皇镇的主要新闻简略的描述。新传媒2015年 迁到位于纳维斯达一带的媒体城新传媒新闻报道,在加利谷山至少半个世纪的新传媒集团,将在2015年搬迁到波纳维斯达一带,纬壹科技城内的媒体城。到时候,新传媒将是媒体城的主要用户。
矗立在加利谷山好几十年的新传媒集团将在2015年之前,搬迁到纬壹科技城内的媒体城,Mediapolis@one-north Buona Vista。新闻、通讯及艺术部长吕德耀是在亚洲电视论坛上宣布这个消息。占地19公顷的媒体城将是一个数码媒体中心,预计将在2020年全部竣工。新传媒将成为媒体城的主要用户,占地面积1点5公顷,建筑面积7万9500平方米。新传媒集团期待入驻媒体城之后,能吸引新的以及外国同业。吕德耀在讲话中则指出,新传媒的迁入将吸引其他本地和海外业者,参与相关的制作,并且同新传媒展开更多协作。

XXX Restricted Access @ MyQueenstown #9 - Former Queenstown Driving Test Centre

Posted in Places , recent , Restricted Access | Sunday, December 12, 2010|By my queenstown
Rows of "L" plate Morris Minor cars used to line up in front of BLK 27A in the 1970s and 1980s. Young frantic drivers would browse through the booklet of Highway Codes at the void deck and memorise every single street signs in preparation for their driving tests. The instructors were nastier in the past and it was inevitable that learner drivers often got abused "verbally" by them (You still get nasty instructors who bark at you in SAF Driving Centre). There were two driving test centres in Singapore. One was located at Maxwell Road. The other was the Queenstown Driving Test Centre, located next to the MRT Station.

The Name Game #11: Strath-more

Posted in Name Game , Places , recent | Saturday, December 11, 2010|By my queenstown
A strath is used to describe a large valley that is wide and shallow. In those days, Alexandra Canal (or Boh Beh Kang) was an never ending stream which passed through Hong Lim and Hong Yim Hills in Margaret Drive and Mei Ling. Farms were scattered along the banks of Boh Beh Kang and villagers in Margaret Drive made use of water from the stream for their livelihood. And this area was just like a shallow valley. Hence, it was called a Strath.

Random Thoughts @ MyQueenstown #4 - Interacting with Residents

Posted in Random , recent | |By my queenstown
Collecting preferences and demographics data from the residents is one of our objectives when we align like minded volunteers from the community. These demographics data were then analysed and further follow up assistance was given to needy residents. We conduct block visits, street interviews and random polls to collect a sampling statistics. Today was no different. A group of volunteers from our society met up with Queenstown residents in Stirling Road to understand their concerns better.

Snacks Attack #11 - Almond & Peanut Paste!

Posted in Makan Shiok , recent , Snacks Attack | Thursday, December 9, 2010|By my queenstown
DessertStory, located in Anchorpoint basement one, has been serving residents tasty snacks and deserts for the past four years. Wendy, the supervisor of the cafe, introduced the various homemade desserts that they offer.
A bowl of Almond Paste
Hot desserts are mainly the favourite choice among Queenstown residents. Firstly, they have almond paste which is made by grinding two different kinds of whole almonds together and the mixture boiled with other ingredients over several hours by the owner. The resulting product is a delicious thick and creamy paste which taste smooth on the tongue and delightfully flavorful.

On the Ground: Buona Vista Constituency

Posted in News in the Dump , recent | Wednesday, December 8, 2010|By my queenstown
The 2nd largest electoral boundary within URA Master Plan 2008 for Queenstown is the Buona Vista Constituency. Buona Vista Electoral Boundary incorporates two districts within Queenstown, namely Commonwealth and Buona Vista (the Holland Part of Buona Vista). In the last election, the Holland-Bukit Timah Group Representative Constituency was uncontested and a walkover preceded, giving the ruling party parliamentary seats. Today, MyQueenstown will deliver an insight on Buona Vista Constituency, whose Member of Parliament is Lim Swee Say, who is also the Secretary General of National Trade Union Congress.